Laser transformation hardening was carried out on U74 rail steel by a self-developed high power diode laser.
使用自制的大功率半导体激光器对U 74轨钢进行了相变硬化。
The content of the paper is to research and develop a control system of industrial kilowatt-level high power diode laser.
Other uses for this high power diode laser bar are as a direct source for various materials processing applications including cladding, welding, heat treating and brazing.
The control system of HPDL-4D01 high power diode laser, developed by the paper, has realized the integrated-control of both constant temperature hydrocooling system and laser power supply.
本文所研制的HPDL - 4d01型大功率半导体激光器控制系统实现了激光器恒温水冷系统和激光电源的集成控制。
Effect of thermal lensing is the main obstacle of getting high power and good beam quality in laser diode (LD)-pumped solid-state lasers.
This paper introduces a new high power Q - CW pulsed laser diode driver.
It can be used to measure the peak power of diode laser directly. with the characters of digital display, high accuracy, large power range, wide pulse width and output port of waveform monitor.
The thermally-stabilized resonance cavity can be used in high power diode-pumped solid state laser, it can eliminate thermal-lensing and ensure the laser performance stability and credibility.
The significant progress of high power solid-state laser, fiber laser, super high efficiency diode source and relay mirror system are reviewed and discussed.
The forward characteristics failure of the high power laser diode array severely influences the yield and reliability of devices.
High power laser diode array is mainly used as the pumping energy source for solid state laser.
The progress and trends of correlated high power laser diode are presented. Its applications in military systems are also given.
One of the key problems is lasers cooling in researching high power semiconductor diode laser arrays.
High-efficient coupling technology is the key technology of the high power diode-pumped solid state laser systems.
A precise temperature control system using DS18B20 for high power laser diode is introduced in this paper.
本文介绍了利用数字式温度传感器ds18 B 20构造大功率激光二极管恒温制冷系统的方法。
A high power, narrow linewidth single frequency laser diode as one of the key elements of Integrated Optical Rotation Sensor (IORS) is studied.
The application of high-power laser diode arrays (LDA) is becoming wider and wider, but the quality of output beams from LDA is poor for its unique mechanism of luminescence.
The main topic in the thesis is the coupling the coupling between the high power single emitter broad area diode laser and micro lensed multimode fiber.
High power fiber-coupled-output laser diode (LD) modules have been widely used for end-pumping fiber laser.
It acquired coupling power 7.23w and coupling efficiency better than 70%, when the fused side-coupler was pumped by a high-power laser diode arrays in experiments.
Fiber coupling technique for high-power diode laser 2D arrays was introduced, such as beam-shaping, polarization multiplexing and wavelength multiplexing.
High-power laser diode-pumped solid-state lasers are replacing flashlamp-pumped solid-state lasers and are widely used in industries.
A high-power laser diode module is used as the light source, and a PIN photodiode with high performance is used as the photo-detector.
A high-power laser diode module is used as the light source, and a PIN photodiode with high performance is used as the photo-detector.