The metagranitoid found in the high ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt ( HP UHPMB ) in the Dabie Mountains is alkali meta granite.
The eclogite bearing high pressure metamorphic belt in the Jiaonan uplift is the eastward extension of the Dabie ultra high pressure belt.
Granitic gneiss is the most extensive geologic unit in the Sulu ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt and the age of protoliths of granitic gneiss is Neoproterozoic era.
Temperature measurements and its long-period observation will provide reliable basic data for geothermal and geodynamical study of the ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt.
The Tongbai high-pressure metamorphic belt serves as a structure linking the Eastern Qinling orogen with the Dabie-Sulu UHP and HP metamorphic belts.
The Tongbai high-pressure metamorphic belt serves as a structure linking the Eastern Qinling orogen with the Dabie-Sulu UHP and HP metamorphic belts.