Experiments show that a low permeable reservoir has a starting pressure gradient, and therefore different seepage rule from that of middle and high permeable reservoirs.
Therefore, it is put forward herein that high seepage pressure exists locally in the rocks when under jet action, and the magnitude of seepage pressure greatly affects the rock cutting results.
Especially in high dam project with high seepage and pore water pressure, the degradation of material properties of concrete affects more evidently.
High pressure jet grouting with new twin-tube method was employed in the construction of a new drydock and the mucky soft soils in the site were successfully treated to prevent water seepage.
After careful studies and discussions, a design program has been put forward, that is to shore up the pit by anchored line-up piles and to cut off the seepage by high-pressure jet-grouting curtain.
On the back slope water pressure in clay permeability of avoid by all means, time will take high moisture line, and even the water seepage scale expansion and danger.
The seepage control and reinforcing technology of drilling and grouting integration for foundations is an improved wall- making way of sprinkling grouting with high pressure.
The calculation method can preferably reflect the actual stress and strain situation of hydraulic tunnel with high pressure with seepage from inner tunnel to outer tunnel.
The sealing shear box is designed especially to meet the purpose that seepage water of high-pressure flows along appointed path of joint face during the test while no leakage will happen.
High seepage pressure lead to damage zone growth in unfavorable fault zone and even transfixion may be the important reasons which result in bank slope instability.
High seepage pressure lead to damage zone growth in unfavorable fault zone and even transfixion may be the important reasons which result in bank slope instability.