Junior high school days are over and it's hard to separate from our dear teachers and friends.
It marks the end of your high school days and the beginning of a new life.
To most graduates the senior yearbook is a treasured souvenir of high school days.
I like to look back on my high school days, which were among the happiest in my life.
I realized that I could hardly remember one single speaker from my junior high or high school days.
Li-qing's friend from high school days in Xiamen China came for a visit with her husband and cousin.
I used to study, listen to the radio or sleep in the same armchair during my junior high school days.
In particular, the former junior high school days missed because — small brain... will not be thinking about!
According to lu Xuebin, a career expert from Datihu. com, the problem of procrastination reflects young people's failure to change their mindset formed during high school days.
Meanwhile, many have "aged out" of MySpace, finding themselves no longer as interested in the glittery profiles and loud music that seemed much more attractive in their high school days.
A few days ago, I received a photo of my junior high school classmates, and half of my 52 classmates have already passed away.
Her teachers wrote down their beautiful days with Linda from kindergarten to high school.
In Laibin, the worst-hit area, about 700 students and teachers in Xincheng County Beigeng Junior High School have been trapped by floods, with food and water enough for only 2 days.
It sold 400, 000 copies. Last year, his novel “Cry Me a River, ” about the ostracism and suicide of a pregnant high school student, sold a million copies in 10 days.
Damon spoke this past winter about playing lover to Douglas, telling People Magazine, "I kind of think of it in algebra terms, back to my high-school days."
Only one-third of the fifty states require it, but most students these days study some economics in high school.
Actually I start it the day before I went to Princeton I think, two days maybe, before a buddy of mine and I as high school seniors, had started working for a local ISP.
In those days we defined "everyone else" as people in our high school or people who listened to WPLJ.
LIKE the AGING HAS-BEEN WHO ruefully looks back on his glory days in high school, many investors frequently replay previous bull markets in their minds.
Actor Zac Efron is leaving his High School Musical days behind him to hit the books at a California university.
The first few days of my high school life I was pumped up by a sense of triumphalism and I was a bit stuck up.
I like to look back on my high-school days.
Dianjun Wang, the principal of Tsinghua University High School, visited the site for two days, and warmly talked with parents and patiently answered their questions.
Jennifer Glickman, a 17-year-old high school junior, gets so stressed some days from overwork and lack of sleep that she feels sick to her stomach and gets painful headaches.
17岁的詹妮弗•格利克曼(Jennifer Glickman)是名高二学生,因为课业繁重、睡眠不足,她几乎累的精疲力尽,甚至时常会感觉胃部不适,还会头疼。
Back in my days, we wore suspenders and belts and jointing bow ties for high school, and tying onion on my belt too for lunch.
Back in my days, we wore suspenders and belts and jointing bow ties for high school, and tying onion on my belt too for lunch.