College graduates will still fare better than those with only a high school education, of course.
In 2014, a majority of new investors didn't even have a high school education!
How this debate plays out may very well determine the future of Chinese high school education.
Learning goes far beyond a high school education and is very necessary in today's society.
She fit a 4-year high school education into 2 years and was eventually accepted into Harvard University.
These have been called "deaths of despair", mostly affecting people with a high school education or less.
February 2012, Kentrexs successfully launched the Eleventh American High School Education Fair in Beijing.
In music in the tradition high school education teaching mode, the teaching way be disgusted with the life.
The gifts that a Waldorf high school education can bring are of benefit to the individual and the community.
The richest part of my elementary, middle, and high school education was the fruit of my reading from the library.
You don't need to include high school education or continuing education classes unless it enhances your candidacy.
By comparison, views on this matter have not changed significantly among those with a high school education or less.
Local youngsters from rural homes, with often no more than a junior high school education, are being taught to use computers.
Betty: I I'll finish my high school education here, but I want lo go back to my home town one day. What are your plans, Daming?
贝蒂:我将在这儿完成高中学业,但是有一天我想回到我的家乡。大明,你有什么计划? ?
March 2013, Kentrexs successfully launched the Thirteenth American High School Education Fair separately in Beijing and Shanghai.
BARACK OBAMA: "Over the next ten years, nearly half of all new jobs will require education that goes beyond a high school education."
As a fact, the general high school education resources are deficient seriously, especially high-quality ones are far from meeting demands.
Director of Youth Engagement Tara Mullen says they receive help overcoming obstacles to completing their high school education and getting a job.
Patients with high school education level or above were no significant difference, but junior high school educated patients were significantly lower.
More people are trying their hands at some sort of scripting or programming language, and computer programming has become a staple of high school education.
Hi, I'm Kristen Stewart. Laurel Springs School is the greatest. They have enabled me to receive a top notch high school education while focusing on my career.
By contrast, half of the families aged 36-50, 50 and above and those under the age of 35, but with only high school education or less, said they felt serious pressure.
通过对比,半数年龄在36 ~50,50以上和35以下但只有高中以下学历的家庭表示承受着巨大压力。
Students of high school education teach students in the secondary grades. which may include grades seven through twelve. depending on the school system or state regulations.
At the time of his death, Dr. Spencer held 150 patents and was considered one of the world's leading experts in the field of microwave energy, despite his lack of a high school education.
As the father of two daughters who are only a few years older than you, I've discovered how important their high school education has been in allowing them to pursue their dreams and ambitions.
So now, Vuthy and his wife can afford a high school education and private tutoring for two of his four children, who are studying in Kampong Speu province, 30 kilometers southwest of Kiri Thmey.
So now, Vuthy and his wife can afford a high school education and private tutoring for two of his four children, who are studying in Kampong Speu province, 30 kilometers southwest of Kiri Thmey.