As soon as I was old enough to work I applied for jobs in a number of High Street fashion stores and was taken on at Topshop.
The Best Fashion Street "should offer an eclectic mix of boutique and high street, designer and high street for all clothing tastes and ages.
The internet has made a difference, and there are more things to do today than spend hours in the high street, but I would not say shopping has gone out of fashion.
Its assets, which include the Fashion Show Mall in Las Vegas (pictured) and South Street Seaport in New York, are high-quality and continue to generate decent income.
Journalist Amanda Platell commented that it is a pattern that has become more noticable in recent years, with high fashion becoming more accessible on the high street .
Our fashion designers are also well known, with their creations copied and sold in the black market and displayed in high street shops.
Some high street stores are offering bargain hunters low-cost, high-fashion items quicker and cheaper than others.
Some high street stores are offering bargain hunters low-cost, high-fashion items quicker and cheaper than others.