On-line liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry is a high throughput method for the analysis of small molecules in biofluids.
This assumption simplifies data coherency issues and enables high throughput data access.
"It's a tradeoff. You either get high efficiency or high throughput," says Hagelstein.
In addition to availability, high throughput and low latency are key in these applications.
Objective To develop a high throughput method of screening the binding site of DNA adducts.
CEP offers a high throughput and low latency solution for processing large amounts of monitoring data.
Some applications, tike multimedia communication, can use the high throughput provided by networks.
It is not suited for high throughput caching and does not provide any LRU based cache invalidation or distributed locking semantics.
它不适合进行高吞吐量的缓存,也不支持基于LRU (Latest Recently Used)的缓存校验与分布式的锁语义。
Small molecule microarrays are being used in ultra high throughput screening of large combinatorial libraries (see microfluidics ).
High pressure thickening is a new high capacity thickening technology, which can produce high underflow density at high throughput.
This means that some high throughput workloads, previously beyond SQL Replication's capacity, can now be replicated to multiple targets.
The ZBV allows for immediate deployment in response to security threats, and its high throughput capability facilitates rapid inspections.
The use of the cell sorter also allows for high throughput, or the processing and purifying a large number of special cells in a short period of time.
There are some drawbacks in ATM switch unifying buffer: complicated structure, lack of expansibility and difficulties in ensuring to ensure high throughput.
集中处理信元缓冲的AT M交换机结构复杂、扩展性不好、不易保证高吞吐率,而由多级交换单元分布处理信元缓冲可克服这些缺点。
The system should have high throughput if the replication of incremental changes is required: it should handle the replication of a large number of transactions.
GC and message processing overhead of handling larger messages on ServiceA does not affect the high throughput and low response time performance of ServiceB as dramatically.
It is also desirable to cache copies of the dynamic and domain-specific user's attribute lists at or near the target resource so it is easier to maintain high throughput.
Auailable Bit Rate (ABR) Service can make most effective use of ATM networks resources. LANS can achieve interworking of high throughput and low loss through WAN as well.
业务可以提高AT M网络的利用率,能让用户LAN通过广域网进行高吞吐量、低丢失率的互通。
This solution combines the best of both worlds - the simplified development model of Data Web services with the wire-speed processing of DataPower for high throughput of Web services.
Volumes are designed for high throughput, low latency access from Amazon EC2, and can be attached to any running EC2 instance where they will show up as a device inside of the instance.
ASCM allows for dynamic spreading factor, thus maximizing link availability, optimizing bandwidth usage and enabling high throughput in the most challenging field and weather conditions.
Also, high throughput applications with fast response times can realize a performance gain by keeping the connections open, rather than building up and closing the connection on each request.
To support high-throughput and high-user-concurrency requirements in an application or subsystem, you need high database concurrency.
Meanwhile, increasing capacity is currently the most common approach to ensure high-throughput in systems with high-volume and heterogeneous messaging.
The same technologies can provide a framework for many other solutions in this domain that require high-speed, high-throughput capabilities.
Figure 2 offers some guidance, dividing collectors into single-threaded and concurrent, and into low-pause and high-throughput.
The code in Listing 1 might work perfectly well in an environment without high-user-concurrency or high-throughput requirements.
They will be integrated with a robotic pipeline for high-throughput processing of proteins, including bioinformatic analysis.
For example, new high-throughput sequencers turned out to work best with small fragments of dna-just what degraded ancient samples yield.
For example, new high-throughput sequencers turned out to work best with small fragments of dna-just what degraded ancient samples yield.