And so my family moved to a tiny town high up in the mountains outside Denver.
We were high in the mountains of France one morning, packing the car before resuming our trip, when an elderly couple walked up to the car parked next to ours.
L’Aquila, high up in the Apennine mountains that form the backbone of Italy, was a few miles from the epicentre.
It rains a lot in the mountains of Scotland and there are huge lakes high up.
Located high up in the Himalayan mountains between China and India, Bhutan is one of the most isolated countries in the world.
In the home, in our home, the house at very high mountains, from feet up to the top of the mountain, need to take the fishermen boat.
First, if one is in the country he feels he is closer to nature: small streams, high mountains, fresh air, green grass and so on, all this makes people happy and stirs up the love of life.
Everybody, including children, hikes up high mountains or hills or onto open beaches to view the moon in the hope that he will grant their wishes.
Everybody, including children, hikes up high mountains or hills or onto open beaches to view the moon in the hope that he will grant their wishes.