The lasting result is simply weaker and weaker currencies against all goods and services — meaning higher and higher prices.
The threat of supply drying up at current prices forces buyers to buy at higher and higher prices, creating large price increases.
If its borrowing is not rapidly reduced there will be a "gilt strike" - investors will demand higher and higher prices for holding government paper.
如果不迅速减少借债规模,就会出现“国债罢工”(gilt strike)现象——投资者会要求为持有国债获得越来越高的回报。
It takes about six months for higher grain prices to translate to higher cattle and hog prices.
The bank is keen that consumers and business should not expect much higher inflation because if they do, they are more likely to seek higher wages and raise prices.
If Americans produced more of the oil and other commodities they consume, the benefits of higher prices would flow to American firms who could thus pay higher wages.
If we can upgrade the product, we'll get higher prices and therefore higher profits.
These combined with higher energy and more recently food prices may result in higher interest rates.
Higher energy prices, which makes biofuels profitable and crops that feed them more sought after. Higher oil prices also boosts farm production costs, such as diesel.
Inflation expectations have risen a bit, but there is no sign that workers have been able to leverage their concern about higher food and petrol prices into higher wages.
Higher global food prices have also led to higher local food prices, particularly for rice and wheat.
It reflects higher ticket prices and higher number of transactions.
Nearly half say higher costs for fuel and other supplies will be passed along to customers in the form of higher prices; they expect their products' prices to rise by 4.1% over the next 12 months.
Real prices for vegetable oils are expected to be more than 40% higher and dairy prices are projected to be between 16-45% higher.
They profited by buying at lower prices and selling at higher future higher prices, but their purchases and sales helped to even out commodity prices over time.
Alcoa Inc. (AA) said Monday it turned a first-quarter profit on stronger sales at higher prices that were offset by a weaker dollar and higher costs for energy and raw materials.
星期一(2011年4月12日),美国铝业(AlcoaInc .(股票代码:AA))公布一季度业绩,在美元走弱和能源及原材料成本增加的情况下,通过提高售价保持了盈利状态。
With the increasing inflation, higher oil and other commodities prices and the printing of US Dollars we will see a higher bottom level of scrap prices in the coming years.
Customers prefer lower prices to higher prices, and businessmen prefer higher profits to lower profits.
It is driven (as elsewhere) by food and fuel costs, but the tightness of Brazil's Labour market suggests that it could easily become entrenched as workers expect higher prices and demand higher wages.
But the ECB worries that the higher headline inflation may become entrenched through "second round" effects as workers demand higher wages and firms become readier to raise prices.
Agricultural production is usually responsive to price movements, so higher prices should begin to feed through into higher output, in turn bringing supply up and prices down.
Housing prices higher and higher, so, good men less and less.
At that time, companies were growing larger. The prices of their stocks rose higher and higher.
At that time, companies were growing larger. The prices of their stocks rose higher and higher.