This isn't highfalutin art-about-art. It's marvellous and adventurous stuff.
Proceed to pronounce on anything that happens to come to mind. Use a tone that is urgent and highfalutin .
Also do not know who said that, say to eat nutritious, hey, I can always find this piece piggish highfalutin excuse.
Despite all the highfalutin talk of Nobel Prize winners and artists, all of these methods can be applied to everyday life.
So why do some newcomers walk away from Linux/BSD decrying open source operating systems and calling the community members highfalutin?
But whatever highfalutin 'terms or techniques are used, the plumber and his boss both understand pipes and the messy risks in fixing them.
And again. Know that there are many ways to do any task. Sometimes the first thing that comes to mind is some highfalutin, expensive way.
I think that his deadpan way of bringing things down to earth when they get a little too highfalutin' involves the skill of a genuine stand-up comic.
Two of its high-profile New York debuts — high line park, built atop an old rail line, and Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall — kept even the most highfalutin tastemakers buzzing.
Two of its high-profile New York debuts — high line park, built atop an old rail line, and Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall — kept even the most highfalutin tastemakers buzzing.