Plants and cyanobacteria (also called blue-green algae), she says, “have evolved highly organized photosynthetic systems for the efficient oxidation of water.”
King of Persia (521-486) who expanded the empire, organized a highly efficient administrative system, and invaded Greece, only to be defeated at the Battle of Marathon in 490.
波斯国王(公元前521- 486年),扩张帝国,建立了高效的行政系统,并入侵希腊,仅在490年的马拉松战役中被击败。
King of Persia (521-486) who expanded the empire, organized a highly efficient administrative system, and invaded Greece, only to be defeated at the Battle of Marathon in 490.
波斯国王(公元前521- 486年),扩张帝国,建立了高效的行政系统,并入侵希腊,仅在490年的马拉松战役中被击败。