In those years, just after World War I, the military wanted to build an American highway system for national defense.
A government study recommended a national highway system of 33,920 miles, and Congress passed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944, which called for strict, centrally-controlled design criteria.
With advances in technology we can readily visualize your trip on an automated highway system.
The slime mold grew a network of tentacles that was nearly identical to the actual highway system on the Iberian Peninsula.
However, the colony as a collective is behaving in quite a complex way: creating a sophisticated highway system that leads to the best food sources.
The Prime Power Unit (PPU) is an air- and highway-transportable, trailer-mounted 1.3MW (megawatt) Generator Set, a key component of the Terminal High Altitude Air Defense (THAAD) system.
主动力单元(PPU)是一种可搭载空中和公路运输,拖车式1.3MW (兆瓦)发电机组,这也是终端高空防御系统(THAAD)的关键组成部分。
Provided the system is indeed safer than today's driver-vehicle-highway system, overall liability exposure should be reduced.
Dwight Eisenhower took advantage of the fears about the Soviet Union to build the interstate-highway system.
From the first railroads to the interstate highway system, our nation has always been built to compete.
This is now a realistic prospect. With advances in technology we can readily visualize your trip on an automated highway system.
Highway management information system is a synthetic information system the information of which is from the business sys-tems of different platforms.
So the study of highway intersection safety diagnosis and improvement method is very important to low death and injuries, as well as improving the whole highway system traffic safety.
As a prophase work of highway construct, the highway network distribution is of terrible importance to the implement of highway system function in the future.
In the U. S., the major impetus for large-scale use of corrosion inhibitors in concrete arose from premature failures of reinforced concrete Bridges on the interstate highway system.
In the U. S., the major impetus for large-scale use of corrosion inhibitors in concrete arose from premature failures of reinforced concrete Bridges on the interstate highway system.