Wine gives not light hilarity, but noisy merriment.
I joined in the laughter with more than a touch of nervous hilarity.
Joe wondered whether their prudery would ruin things, or add even more hilarity.
Then the green milk dyed their teeth and tongues green, another source of hilarity.
The movie, "Trains, Planes, and Automobiles" treats this with hilarity and poignancy.
Initial hilarity in the capitals of the countries so attacked has long given way to despair.
Days later Sir Alex Ferguson will recount the tale with relish, hilarity and even admiration.
"Quiet hilarity" is what The Guardian's movie reviewer Tyler Collins describes how he feels about the show.
Cute love quotes will help you to express loving thoughts about love, and as well as make you laugh with hilarity.
Wrongly telling a colleague it's 'Hawaiian shirt day' was another favourite which could cause hilarity in the workplace.
The many festivals and sacrificial rites unfailingly impress visitors with their hilarity or solemnity, as the case may be.
He fixed his eye on me longer than I cared to return the stare, for fear I might be tempted either to box his ears or render my hilarity audible.
Ron, who might once have found the necessity of these detours a cause for jealousy rather than hilarity, simply roared with laughter about it all.
Nor is he deterred by the fact that he doesn't smoke. Tonight, he is flushed with heat and booze and the virility and extreme hilarity of his comrades.
To continue cataloguing the health benefits of hilarity, scientists at Loma Linda University had volunteers watch a video: either 20 minutes from a funny movie or stand-up routine.
In the meantime, check out this other bit of NASA promo hilarity: Space Your Face, where an animated astronaut with whatever picture you want in its helmet boogies on the moon or Mars.
It was as though in this circle the utter insignificance of these prominent persons was so completely accepted that the only attitude possible towards them was one of good-humoured hilarity.
It was as though in this circle the utter insignificance of these prominent persons was so completely accepted that the only attitude possible towards them was one of good-humoured hilarity.