Each man must not think only of himself, but also of his buddy fighting beside him.
Shits'. " Each man must not think only of himself, but also of his buddy fighting beside him."
Police finally managed to get the injured dog off the road, but his buddy continued to block traffic.
Warren was having such a great time that he called out to his buddy, rocker Joel Madden, to join him on the trip via Twitter.
One summer night, Bob passed away in his sleep. He died happy. A few nights later, his buddy Earl awoke to the sound of Bob's voice from beyond.
I was only able to get to the root cause after I determined there were no systems problems and his buddy in the adjoining cube had no issues to speak of.
Looping and swooping, the photographer constantly changed his shooting Angle to capture the best view of his buddy. The shooting process lasted for nearly one hour.
Even worse, there's always the (strong) possibility that he went right back and told his buddy and the two of them are now comparing notes over high-fives and hot wings.
While her boyfriend and his buddy debated the virtues of synthetic versus natural bike oils, she called a girlfriend and analyzed every detail of the fight she had had with him.
While her boyfriend and his buddy debated the virtues of synthetic versus natural bike oils , she called a girlfriend and analyzed every detail of the fight she had had with him.
A close friend of the squirrel (and totally real source) told HuffPost Weird that his buddy was on a bender, having recently gone through a divorce and forced to take out a second tree mortgage.
The family has numerous stories about their brother, whom they referred to as Buddy, that exemplify the way he lived his life.
There is a detail here of course that Zooey, in making a second attempt to converse with Franny about this, impersonates his brother, Buddy, on the phone.
Mr. Bennett, with one of his salesmen, Eric Dawson, and Buddy the dog waited for customers on March 14.
Nights out find him zipping around Los Angeles with his bachelor buddy Ronald W Burkle or hitting parties and fundraisers in Manhattan.
文章指出:“克林顿很少在没有朋友陪伴的情况下公开露面,但这些陪伴他的人中很少见有他的妻子。 许多晚上,克林顿都和他的密友、单身汉罗纳德·W·伯克利出现在洛杉矶,或是在曼哈顿参加派对或募捐活动。
But, along with Dan Hill, a military buddy of his, he didn't stop thinking about security weaknesses and terrorism.
He was sent into southern France in 1944. He encountered a German machine gun crew who pretended they were surrendering, then shot his best buddy.
But he hadn't really found any proof until about three months ago, in late September - after Dennis had met his best buddy, Sid Farnsworth, for drinks in White Plains.
Xiao has been estranged from his roommate and former buddy because he was short-tempered with him for dawdling before leaving for classes.
He encountered a German machine gun crew who pretended they were surrendering, then shot his best buddy.
My buddy goes out to the car and gets his bike ready and waits for his host.
Ask for help like the friend who has done everything in his power to achieve and needs only that final push from a buddy to reach success.
A buddy of mine was in his car, stopped at a stoplight, staring at a hot woman walking through the crosswalk.
A buddy of mine was in his car, stopped at a stoplight, staring at a hot woman walking through the crosswalk.