For example, a man called Zhou Jian puts his family name Zhou first.
He typically wears a white shirt with a red tie and brown square trousers, hence his family name "SquarePants".
H.M., or Henry M.-his family name was kept secret until he died-grew up in the countryside outside Hartford, Connecticut.
My husband's parents, who live in the village, have been pressuring us to have a son to pass on his family name. But my daughter is also our blood.
In the vast majority of instances, a man passes his family name to his children without change and without even considering the possibility of change.
Even his name is a pseudonym, all in an effort to protect his family, friends and contacts, he said.
He himself worked successfully in business management for years, and his name indicates his descent from the family that ruled China during the last imperial dynasty.
His birth name had been Penrose Brick—he was a descendant of the Penrose family, which came from Philadelphia and had made a fortune from mining claims around Cripple Creek.
His name is Lang Jiaziyu, and he comes from a family in Beijing that is famous for making dough figurines.
His name, he said, was o 'sullivan, and his family had lived here for generations.
His family was unimpressed: his mother wept at his decision to "sell his soul to foreign devils", while an uncle ordered him to change his name, to avoid further disgracing the clan.
At first sight, this family presented no very special feature except its extreme destitution; the father, when he hired the chamber, had stated that his name was Jondrette.
Young Bill had made a name for himself working on newspapers owned by his powerful family.
And there was a certain man of Zorah, of the family of the Danites, whose name was Manoah; and his wife was barren, and bare not.
Officials refused to release any further information about the boy or his family, including his name or any details on his other health issues, citing privacy laws.
For family honour, he endeavours to clear his name of suspicion.
In another interpretation, Judas' treachery made him so hated that he may not be known by his proper family name, but a subsequent corruption of the Latin sicarius, meaning "murderer" or "assassin."
I asked Lallu where he was from, expecting him to name his birthplace, or perhaps the town where the family camped for the summer, when the weather is too hot for traveling.
When it comes to name recognition, they perhaps less entertainment version of scandals surrounding the speculation, but still the first line of his family background.
It could not give him back his host of friends, his name, his house and family, nor Carrie, as he had meant to have her.
Whenever I see a black guy with my last name, I can't help but wonder if my family used to own his.
Do we want her to be able to trample all over Michael's name and then shrug her shoulders, interview his family and get all of us racing to the TV to give her her ratings and watch her show?
Do we want her to be able to trample all over Michael's name and then shrug her shoulders, interview his family and get all of us racing to the TV to give her her ratings and watch her show?