He is careful over his own daily habits and behavior: he tries to recollect that his own heart is deceitful, the world full of wickedness, and devil always laboring to do him harm;
他对自己每天的生活习惯和行为都很检点: 他试着记住自己的心是虚假的,世界充满万恶,魔鬼一直在竭力伤害他: 所以,他将一直谨守。
He is careful over his own daily habits and behavior: he tries to recollect that his own heart is deceitful, the world full of wickedness, and devil always laboring to do him harm;
他对自己每天的生活习惯和行为都很检点: 他试着记住自己的心是虚假的,世界充满万恶,魔鬼一直在竭力伤害他: 所以,他将一直谨守。