He looked down to relieve the pain of his neck, and stared at the rusty chain at his feet, which coiled around a metal rod.
To me, for example, the worst pain in the neck is somebody who sits behind me in a movie theater and talks to his friends all the time the picture is on。
"He told me had had pain in his neck when the car drove over bumps on the circuit, " Massa said.
Listening to that guy in the apartment next door playing his stereo as loud as he can every night, it's getting to be a pain in the neck for my wife and me.
Listening to that guy in the apartment next door playing his stereo as loud as he can every night - it's getting to be a pain in the neck for my wife and me.
Listening to that guy in the apartment next door playing his stereo as loud as he can every night - it's getting to be a pain in the neck for my wife and me.