Querying for historical data without a timestamp filter will result in the SOAP server returning all historical data and this can overwhelm the system resources.
Or have you experienced a problem operating your DB2 server, but were not able to determine the cause of the problem using current snapshots, and wished you had historical monitoring data?
您是否遇到过DB 2服务器的操作问题,但又无法使用现有快照确定问题的原因,并希望拥有历史监控数据?
The Activity trends feature lets you analyze "historical" server data, to help spot trends that can only be identified over an extended period of time.
The mission that this article wants to solve is how to develop the OPC historical data access Server.
OPC historical data access Server provides a kind of standard mechanism of data access for the users who are interested in historical data.
OPC historical data access Server provides a kind of standard mechanism of data access for the users who are interested in historical data.