I realized that the historical record was incomplete.
The museum provides us with a unique historical record of industrial and agricultural life in the area.
Even the most politically correct Germans believe that they're now earned the right to discuss the full historical record.
I was surprised, however, at how badly Condoleezza Rice appears in this historical record.
Some travel agencies in Lhasa have received more reservations than the historical record of 2007.
Evelyn: English writer whose Diary, published in 1818, is a valuable historical record of his times.
The historical record of Chinas female sports culture remains dim, but its evolution is discernible.
But Roosevelt was in fact a stubborn fiscal conservative, as the historical record unambiguously demonstrates.
The chenier is built up by a number of storms, the surge of which is higher or close to the historical record.
In the historical record the maximum magnitude is only 7.2 or 7.3. I think they \ \ \ 're doing as much as they can.
The scientists dug back into the historical record, well past 1997, the year continuous satellite measurements began.
The historical record leads one to believe that the notion that humans use only 10% of our brain is more myth than fact.
But if you look at the historical record, it turns out that a lot of important ideas have very long incubation periods.
Immutability means that once changes are committed to a repository, they are a permanent part of a project's historical record.
The historical record would be the only reason to suspect that, but right now I don't think there are signs of unrest at Katla.
From a new kind of historical record to an unprecedented opportunity for discovering patterns of social interaction, this is big.
The historical record is ambiguous; he disclaimed all responsibility while doing everything possible to publicize the event.
Log files can grow very large and in many cases you will want to keep an historical record of events on your machine for problems.
Economists tend to look at the historical record from the standpoint of group action and especially the impact of economic forces.
This is the largest area of Earth's surface to experience all-time record high temperatures in any single year in the historical record.
Also much discussed were "Tin Soldiers" by Ala Younis, a Jordanian, and "Historical Record Archive" by dani Gal, an Israeli artist.
The historical record of eruptions at the volcano extends back to 1570, but the most damaging eruption in recent times took place in 1985.
You can use Query Patroller to select from the historical record of past queries. You can select a subset that best meets your needs such as.
Coal geological data are historical record of geological exploration, and also are the most precious resources of information in country.
What I learned from the historical record is that it was this observation that led to the incorrect view that humans use only 10% of their brains.
For example, she testified that the White House was on high alert before 9/11, but, he dryly notes, “the historical record does not reflect this.”
For example, she testified that the White House was on high alert before 9/11, but, he dryly notes, “the historical record does not reflect this.”