He hit 10 home runs in the Coast League and he's also a good fielder.
A passenger train carrying hundreds of workers home from the center of Tokyo is reported to have hit an oncoming goods train.
Sally said something back to us angrily, but I could see that my name-calling had really hit home.
China's first home-built aircraft carrier hit the water in Dalian on the morning of April 26, 2017.
She was inside her home during the attack when a rocket hit, killing 4 family members including her sister.
Although he has said he is not retired, Bonds has not played in the major leagues since 2007, when he played in 126 games for the San Francisco Giants and hit 28 home runs.
An American player for the Swallows, Dave Hilton, stepped up to bat and hit a home run.
Everytime a home run is hit, the ball flies over the fence and is scooped up by Birdy's mother, never to be seen again.
The Atari 2600 version became the first arcade hit to appear on a home console.
Atari 2600成为第一个家庭版的街头畅销游戏。
This is really going to hit home when we see people hitting retirement age and not being able to retire," says Carrie Coghill Kuntz, director of consumer education for FreeScore.com.
这点的确击中要害。我们看到有人到了退休年龄,却无法退休” FreeScore.com的消费教育主任CarrieCoghillKuntz说。
Home prices appear to have hit bottom in some areas of the country, but construction remains weak.
February 28, 2007-imagine how you would feel if your home was hit by a hurricane and you learnt that the damage amounted to twice your annual income.
Many accepted the idea of the need for cuts to start with – until their full impact started to hit home.
Especially when the price of that biggest asset, the family home, has taken a hit during this recession.
Hit the physical home button, and each app currently running is displayed in a small Card window. Swipe left or right to switch between the Cards.
As with climate change - which has already thawed permafrost, melted sea ice, and shrunk glaciers in Alaska - carbon-caused ocean acidification will likely hit home here first.
That day Hardin hit a home run and Keith on his father's shoulders had caught the ball.
In Homerun Battle 3d, you are given the opportunity to hit as many home runs as possible to earn points.
Ryan and Lowry had been friends since high school, but it wasn't until after college that they hit on the idea of a home-care-products company.
That getting into Princeton isn't a life-or-death matter hit home years ago for Loren Pope, then the education editor of The New York Times.
Public servants are fearful about their futures when the cuts really start to hit home," Barber said.
Public servants are fearful about their futures when the cuts really start to hit home, "Barber said."
This was an event that hit home for us and we should carry that with us. And as we use oil, we should be willing to pay the real cost.
I've just finished putting together an article about how greenery and live plants help to calm children, and it really hit home.
Hit the home page: There is always a landing page for each user that comes to the site.
Hit the home page: There is always a landing page for each user that comes to the site.