Some banks also have a hit list of people whom they threaten to sue for damages.
At the end of the day, look back on your list. Did you hit all the items you checked off? Do you feel happier?
Hit the jump for a look at the editors that made the list, and then vote for your favorite to crown the ultimate text editor.
Tiller testified during the trial that he spent years under police protection after the FBI discovered an anti-abortion hit list in 1994 that named Tiller as the top target.
Add "Dog Whisperer" to the list of apps we'd like to see hit the store in coming years.
There is hope for some of the cars on this list, according to Ibara: Just wait until next year, when their (finally) updated versions hit showrooms.
On the do's list, says Clark, if you find yourself being hit with a spoon, remain calm and try to ignore it.
Their names later appeared on a "hit list" posted on Facebook, and on pamphlets scattered around the town that included the names of dozens of others.
It was a double hit to Fortune's Most Powerful Women list last Tuesday when YahooCEO Carol Bartz and Bank of America's (BAC) Sallie Krawcheck got fired.
上周二,雅虎公司(Yahoo)CEO卡罗尔•巴茨与美国银行(BankofAmerica)财富管理主管萨莉•克劳切克双双遭遇解雇,《财富》杂志(Fortune)最具影响力商界女性(Most Powerful Women)榜单遭受双重打击。
Closer to the massacre, Harris listed his stockpile of weapons and posted a hit list.
临近案发之前,哈里斯还列出了他拥有的武器和一份杀人名单。 克莱伯德在此方面公布的信息较少,但也同哈里斯秘密制作了录像拍摄他们拥有的武器。
However, we can be certain that if the program doesn't hit the first base case it will at least hit the second one when it gets to the end of the list.
How can you possibly accept that you are a writer when you haven't hit the bestseller list?
You know you're at the end of a list when you hit the null list, written as .
But as Asian cities remained strong on the list, European cities took a hit because of the weakening euro.
There is no sign in the data that banking fears are spreading to Spain, which is by all accounts the next big European economy on the hit list, let alone much bigger Italy.
Mobile technology, virtualization, the social web, cloud computing - a think tank study has all our good friends on a hit list.
Of course, McDonald's tops critics' hit list for compounding America's obesity epidemic, but Fields insists that her own culprit wasn't food but lack of exercise.
Takeaway: Hot, new Android devices hit the market almost every week. To help you sort through them all, here’s our list of the 10 best Android smartphones, especially with business users in mind.
Earlier this month, Taobao was hit when the company was found to have frauded on its Golden Supplier list with the tacit permission of senior executives.
Teacher:Oh! Hit the bars doesn't mean we hit them.It means we make a list of bars and go around them.
In fact, Xin Xing is not the only lucky guy that has been put on Carin’s hit list.
Looking only at paid apps, Lorica also found that 6.3% of all sellers have had an application that made it to the app Store's "Top paid apps" list, though about 80% of these were one-hit wonders.
Still on his hit list are visiting Machu Picchu in Peru, diving at Australia's Great Barrier Reef, bungee jumping into the Grand Canyon in Arizona, driving across Route 66 in a Ford Mustang.
For those unfortunate enough to feature highly on the mosquito hit list, summer nights are synonymous with mosquito bites.
For those unfortunate enough to feature highly on the mosquito hit list, summer nights are synonymous with mosquito bites.