Known for being a little harsh with gossip-peddling "infotainment" journalists, the singer and actress hit the roof after she was jostled by reporters at a movie premiere.
Japanese media said an explosion blew the roof off the reactor, raising fears of a disastrous meltdown at a nuclear plant damaged in the massive earthquake that hit Japan.
Standing under a huge glass roof, Woods was a sight that startle is stayed, wide open mouth never close, stick out from the steel teeth snapped under the ground, hit his toes did not feel.
Otherwise, the back of a chair backwards too oblique, driving the body when the crash move especially easy to fly back, head will hit the roof.
Brother asked me to fly the the plane slowly when it took off, in case it would hit against the roof.
Recently, a school bus driver hit a low bridge, peeling the roof off the bus and terrifying the school sports team inside.
When Mr Smith saw all the mistakes his secretary had made, he really hit the roof.
You could have hit on no surer way of fixing your residence under my roof for the next twenty-four hours, than informing me that such an event would follow.
There were several people sitting at the back of the car, their heads had been hit on the roof of the car for several times because of shake, they just felt blue but unable to complain the driver!
The latest deaths include a six-year-old girl, hit by a sniper on Wednesday on the roof of her parents' apartment, he said.
Indeed, a social possibly on the population, wealth and power hit the roof when she began to decay.
I 7 hit the roof. I didn't scream at her, but I became like something out of one of those nighttime soap operas.
We where warned about this bus trip as it took 10 hours to travel less than 100km and they said your head will hit the roof of the bus many times during the trip.
A rescue worker from Russia carries his dog onto the roof of a collapsed building in the earthquake-hit area of Padang, West Sumatra province October 4, 2009.
A rescue worker from Russia carries his dog onto the roof of a collapsed building in the earthquake-hit area of Padang, West Sumatra province October 4, 2009.