He picked up two hitchhikers on the road to Bristol.
Police are theorizing that the robbers may be posing as hitchhikers.
It would help fight global warming by cutting down on fuel consumption as hitchhikers would be using existing fuels.
Most of these invaders arrived as international hitchhikers.
He picked up two hitchhikers at the entrance to the motorway.
One of the most popular and widespread ghost story themes involves phantom or disappearing hitchhikers.
Talking to regular male hitchhikers they without exception have longer average waiting times than a girl.
The few roads are narrow and winding, and local hitchhikers, including children, often rely on their neighbors for transport, because there is no bus service.
The same is true for the legendary Mars meteorite AHL 48001 that burst onto the scene in 1996 with suspected evidence it had microbial hitchhikers onboard.
同样的1996年出现在屏幕上的传奇的火星陨石AHL 48001呈现出可疑的证据,在岩石表面有微生物的踪迹。
According to the study, the Murchison meteorite is possibly older than our sun and picked up its chemical hitchhikers in the solar system's infancy as it passed through primordial clouds.
As this thought comes into our head we then remember that our copy of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was lent to a friend so maybe we should shoot over to Amazon and buy a fresh copy.
It took a long time to reach that decision, and then, after all this period of nothing happening, I was suddenly commissioned to write four Dr Whos and the next five Hitchhikers all at once.
作出这个决定花了很久,结果到这时候,在这么久什么都没有发生的时间以后,我一下子要同时完成4集Dr Who还有漫游指南的后面5集。
It took a long time to reach that decision, and then, after all this period of nothing happening, I was suddenly commissioned to write four Dr Whos and the next five Hitchhikers all at once.
作出这个决定花了很久,结果到这时候,在这么久什么都没有发生的时间以后,我一下子要同时完成4集Dr Who还有漫游指南的后面5集。