As a free port, the HKSAR has minimal import and export licensing requirements.
I also believe that the community takes the same view. We wish to preserve these qualities, because they are essential to the good governance of the HKSAR.
In 1999, the HKSAR continued to play an active part in the extended review of the DSU which aimed to identify if any areas of the DSU should be improved or changed.
Active participation in international activities has enabled the HKSAR to maintain its status as an international financial, trade, civil aviation and shipping centre.
The HKMAO continues to play the role of a 'gate-keeper' to ensure that Mainland authorities at all levels conduct business with the HKSAR in line with this principle .
The representative Office in the HKSAR shall be headed by a senior resident representative, and shall be staffed with such other personnel as are appointed or assigned by the Bank.
Awards made in the HKSAR can be enforced in more than 120 jurisdictions which are signatories to the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards.
The Bank shall not be subject to any quota with respect to hiring or employing personnel to work for the Representative Office in the HKSAR for the purpose of carrying out the Bank's activities.
Lawyers in this division also participate in the negotiation of agreements and arrangements with other jurisdictions and handle requests to and from the HKSAR for international legal co-operation.
Lawyers in this division also participate in the negotiation of agreements and arrangements with other jurisdictions and handle requests to and from the HKSAR for international legal co-operation.