He probably doesn't hold a grudge against Russell.
Zina: Elvin doesn't hold a grudge, if that's what you're worried about.
Zina: Elvin doesn't 3 hold a grudge, if that's what you're worried about.
Even when you do lose control of your temper, you are not one to hold a grudge.
I'm not. I don't hold a grudge against SONY even now Hatred clouds your mind, keeps you from more important things.
Do you get angry, look to get revenge, give the silent treatment, hold a grudge, become bitter or make a vow to never forget?
If you forget or don't remember the message accurately the other two people will feel a little disrespected and might hold a grudge!
S. capabilites. Not to mention they hold a grudge forever keep hate alive thru their tv programs which highlight past injustices done to them.
It is not just for the other person that you forgive, but for yourself, so you don't waste your life angry with someone or continue to hold a grudge.
You choose to be mean, impatient, angry, hurtful or to hold a grudge in the same way as you choose to be happy, grateful, thoughtful, patient and kind.
When your feelings are aroused, you are impulsive and careless. However, when you settle down, you forget your anger very quickly and don't hold a grudge.
While many Serbians hold a grudge against the Western media for the way they feel they have been portrayed, any rancour certainly doesn't extend to a personal level.
You will be extremely sentimental, and if pushed by others you may hold a lasting grudge.
But when we hold fast to a grudge it eats away at our sense of peace and serenity.
I've learned through creepy experience that when I start inexplicably doubting myself around a specific person, it's time to hold a good constructive grudge.
I've learned through creepy experience that when I start inexplicably doubting myself around a specific person, it's time to hold a good constructive grudge.