How about being in a new place, with strangers who hold different values?
If your hole ends up being a bit too big and the knots themselves don't hold the yarn in place, then tug on the yarn ends and stick some Popsicle sticks under the main knot to secure in place.
The toothpicks will rest on the rim of the glass and hold the pit in place so it doesn’t sink to the bottom.
In other words, because of their place in the world, it follows that they will hold certain views.
Wrap a thick rubber bands halfway up the broom's bristles to hold them in place.
Please bite and hold the cotton ball tightly in place. Don't spit it out until half an hour from now.
Let's appreciate those who hold a special place in our lives, and make sure that they know it.
I placed them in the second group because of the place they hold in the minds of software developers for their ability to apply innovative vision to technology to build their companies.
The new lenses, which slowly release the drugs and hold them in place, could vastly improve treatment, an American Chemical Society conference has heard.
The second demand is the lifting of caps on the amount of mortgages they may buy and hold for themselves, put in place after accounting scandals a few years ago.
Others must travel as checked bags or in the cargo hold -- a dark and sometimes dangerous place where temperatures can vary wildly.
Turn the lock the correct way with the wrench, putting slight pressure on it. Hold the wrench in place.
The entrance to my building, a former mansion, is marked with a pair of carved pillow stones that hold a lacquered gate in place.
Observations of galaxies show they are rotating too fast to hold all their stellar material in place: the outer stars should be flung out.
To boost excitement around the mission, Nasa has been encouraging people to hold so-called "impact parties" - offering videos, stickers and posters for those interested in what will be taking place.
The Organization needs to grab hold of the core issues and key factors affecting regional security and put in place a full - fledged system for security cooperation.
Clouds, rays of sunlight, stars, planets, the moon; all of these objects hold a sort of magic place in our minds that makes them irresistible to the eye.
But for now, many of the conditions that got bonds rolling in the first place still hold sway.
It is probably the thing that caught your eye in the first place and should be able to draw and hold the viewer's attention.
I wear glasses and I've found that I have tension in my ears to hold my glasses in place.
So I put the whole mouthpiece between my teeth and bit hard to hold it in place, and half sang, half tooted my part.
The metal sticks are typically extensible, with a handle on one end and an adjustable clamp on the other end to hold a phone in place.
Another common obstacle on vehicle Windows is the set of bolt caps that hold some Windows in place.
Editor: What reaction they have when you hold guan taking the pictures in that sensitive place?
Editor: What reaction they have when you hold guan taking the pictures in that sensitive place?