I'm impotent, impatient and naive to think I hold power.
We need the principled press to hold power to account, to call them on the carpet for every outrage.
Don't align yourself too strongly with just one group at the office because they may not hold power forever.
If such persons are allowed to succeed us and hold power, they will certainly change those verdicts back again.
Mr.Zhao believes that one of China's biggest cultural flaws is that its heroes have generally always been people prized for their ability to gain and hold power.
Different situations and different companions demand different levels of vocabulary and tone, but there are some words that hold power, no matter what the situation.
If those who hold power at the macro level are not committed to finding even minimum solutions, the human collective will continue its path marked by general insecurity.
Swiss the people code have regulation that allusion quatation hold power, it hold power to allusion quatation content that stipulate approach the system of mortgages even more.
That's how it starts, and while my paraphrasing of the questions may not be perfect, the questions still hold power, because they open up your mind and beliefs to new possibilities.
Even the government of Iran has been forced to utilize the very tool they attempted to squelch to try to hold on to power.
The military intends to hand over power to a caretaker government and hold elections within six months.
Istanbul in Turkey, Cairo in Egypt, etc. will hold more power in international politics and business especially in helping East and West work together.
Bad elements hold sway, while good people are pushed around.; The bad eggs wielded power, while the good people were oppressed.
All things rush on, they stop not, they look not behind, no power can hold them back, they rush on.
What power do you hold as Wikipedia admin – what can you do, what can’t you do?
His hold on power and influence on events in his country have regressed at the same pace as his health.
But with the power these companies hold, no matter what they do they will be the targets of criticism.
Even good things do not have the power to hold your life together when the heat is on.
The magic in the stones. The power they hold is worth a fortune to a man like you.
And the new technologies are widening the production base all the time, weakening the strategic importance of conventional reserves and the power of those who hold them.
Whoever wins will have to work with an almost evenly divided congress-in both houses independents will hold the balance of power.
As you do, I'm absolutely convinced that you will lay hold of a miracle-working power that will lift you up from confusion, misery, melancholy, and failure.
Allow yourself to believe in you and the power that you hold to control your own successes.
As they began to cut into my stomach, I felt as though some great power took hold of my neck and pushed me down. And it was so powerful that I opened my eyes and had this huge sense of pain.
They hold the power to change the course of another‘s life and ultimately change the course of ours. There are few things in life more pleasurable than brightening someone‘s day.
These power devices could be made 10 times smaller than today’s cell-phone batteries but still hold the same amount of power.
It will hold six batteries for power storage and will use a 120V DC power distribution system, compared to Apollo’s three-battery storage and 28V DC system.
After you've got it in your phone, press and hold the power button for a few seconds, and then you'll be prompted with onscreen instructions to properly set up your iPhone.
把micro - SIM卡放入您的手机后,需要按住设备的电源键,并且持续几分钟,然后您可以按照屏幕上的提示正确地对您的iPhone进行相应的设置。
We must try to understand and respect the power that groups hold over us so that we can benefit from them rather than becoming their victims.
We must try to understand and respect the power that groups hold over us so that we can benefit from them rather than becoming their victims.