It is not just for the other person that you forgive, but for yourself, so you don't waste your life angry with someone or continue to hold a grudge.
Do you get angry, look to get revenge, give the silent treatment, hold a grudge, become bitter or make a vow to never forget?
You choose to be mean, impatient, angry, hurtful or to hold a grudge in the same way as you choose to be happy, grateful, thoughtful, patient and kind.
While many Serbians hold a grudge against the Western media for the way they feel they have been portrayed, any rancour certainly doesn't extend to a personal level.
If you forget or don't remember the message accurately the other two people will feel a little disrespected and might hold a grudge!
If you forget or don't remember the message accurately the other two people will feel a little disrespected and might hold a grudge!