This law is known to hold true for galaxies at a distance of at least several billion light years.
Another surprise is that the findings hold true for both those with children and without, but more so for nonparents.
Future research will be required to determine if these findings hold true for other territories in Asia and Oceania with similar malaria epidemiology.
"If what we found continues to hold true, we may have more elderly people with substantial financial problems in the future," warns Lucia Dunn, professor of economics at Ohio State.
Their findings hold true across nations and cultures.
Apparencytheory seems to hold true for this fossil community, Gahn says.
These principles also hold true when applying levels of abstraction to software.
The same rules hold true if the exception is thrown from a static field initializer.
But the apparent bias in favor of job candidates with photos didn't hold true for women.
By contrast, the same does not necessarily hold true in many local Malaysian corporations.
The first is -a, which means that all parameters must hold true for a file to be displayed.
Can you think of examples, in the enterprise or otherwise, where these aspects hold true aswell?
If this "social norm" or "community benefit" source was true, why wouldn't it hold true for other animal groups?
It is also very easy to convert from vector to raster formats, but the same ease doesn't hold true vice-versa.
Though the experiment included adolescents, it's possible the findings could hold true for younger children as well.
Nevertheless, the goldfish could formulate laws from their distorted frame of reference that would always hold true.
"A lot of the old parenting messages still hold true, like teaching your kids the 'golden rule,'" Finkelhor said.
Things are changing around you, so whatever was true a month ago won't necessarily hold true in the weeks to come.
It contains a name, a brief narrative, and acceptance criteria, conditions that must hold true for the story to be complete.
Classifier - Defines classifications that a user will be categorized within if given conditions hold true on user attributes.
分类器(Classifier) ?如果在用户属性上的给定条件为真,定义将在其中用来划分用户的分类。
Similar steps hold true for the other languages supported; your own expertise using the language you prefer is the best guide.
However, this did not hold true for those who used buses or trams every day - perhaps because they had built up immunity over time.
Voters are more likely to back candidates with lower voices suggesting perceptions formed by our ancestors still hold true today.
What this data does not tell us is whether the impacts hold true at a different CPU utilization range (such as, at 85% or greater).
But he noted that this research was about first impressions and may not hold true for people who have known each other for a longer time.
Smaller, more concise build files are much easier to maintain and understand; in fact, this pattern happens to hold true for code as well.
Smaller, more concise build files are much easier to maintain and understand; in fact, this pattern happens to hold true for code as well.