The instant access memory of a large computer may hold up to 100,000 "words"—string of alphabetic or numerical characters—ready for instant use.
This cool bookshelf can hold up to 400 books of different sizes.
With 55 seats and 20 vertical *handrails, it can hold up to 300 passengers.
According to early plans, the space hotel could hold up to seven people at a time.
The machine consists of a five-story glass tower that can hold up to 20 cars at a time.
But as with much conventional wisdom, this analogy does not hold up to closer inspection.
This television is connected to the internet via Wi-Fi and is able to hold up to 100 apps.
三星在消费电子展上宣布发布了LED 9000电视产品,可以通过WiFi上网,并且支持高达100个网络应用。
The Electra dirt bikes can reach speeds of up to 30 miles per hour and can hold up to 220 LBS.
Play the basin of boiler bowl gourd ladle after concerto, the woman also want to hold up to her blue sky!
Flat PCB holding trays are designed to hold up to 25 PCBs for storage and transport at manual workstations.
The result of the function is returned as a CLOB (Character Large Object) data type that can hold up to 1 MB of data.
函数的结果会以CLOB(字符型大型对象)数据类型的形式返回,可容纳1MB 的数据。
First, the char type has a maximum length of 254 characters, whereas the VARCHAR type can hold up to 32,672 characters.
Forests, the clouds of earth, hold up to the sky their silence, and clouds from above come down in resonant showers.
The only question that remained in my mind was whether the stock transmission gears would hold up to the added power of the new motor.
BATA reaffirms its opposition to plain packaging of tobacco products and believes any such proposals do not hold up to close scrutiny.
If the iPad had come first, we wouldn't think of the iPhone as a phone; we'd think of it as a tablet small enough to hold up to your ear.
Although the main portal site can hold up to 2,000 subsites, your system might have performance problems as the number of subsites increases.
Tropical saltwater aquariums can range in size from small, which are regularly twenty gallons, to large, which can hold up to one thousand gallons.
The region is believed to hold up to 25 billion boe, or almost a fifth of remaining total reserves, but they lie in freezing waters more than 600 metres deep.
It can hold up to 3 passengers, passengers are exposed and can be targeted individually. However, players can cast while the vehicle is moving if they're in it.
Lake's weld Shield Gas Flow Switch has been developed specifically for use in harsh welding applications and will hold up to the typical conditions of the welding environment.
For all the complexities that publishing faces, the notion that books are somehow less of a factor in the cultural or information ecosystem of our time doesn't hold up to the evidence.
Russia, Canada, Denmark, Norway and the United States have all made claims in the resource-rich region, which some believe could hold up to a quarter of the world's oil and gas reserves.
Two 16-cylinder engines combined generate 4400 horsepower that runs the RH400 and its 14 hydraulic pumps that hold up to 3400 gallons of fluid—enough to fill a small backyard pool—to operate.
Imagine putting your holiday photos to your own sound track and being able to view it wherever you want, well this is now possible to do, and with the 60gb version you can hold up to 25,000 photos.
For one thing, he didn't trust his legs to hold him up.
What's going to hold this ribbon up and keep it reach enough to support an elevator car?
In many countries, people will hold up dragon boat racing to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.
In many countries, people will hold up dragon boat racing to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.