The difficulties and patience required to brew the tea at home have helped popularize commercial brands.
Although some people try to brew their own diesel at home from leftovers and recycled cooking oils, coffee-based diesel seems better suited to larger-scale processes.
The Home Brew computing club launched Steve Jobs and Apple, but similar ventures produced a thousand computer viruses.
In the past, many administrators would add an rclocal entry to the inittab to kick off a local, home brew /etc/rc.local script to load applications.
过去,很多管理员会在inittab 中加入 rclocal项以启动本地主机的brew /etc/rc.local 脚本来加载应用程序。
If you make your own coffee at home, try adding it to your coffee grounds before brewing, or to your cold brew to really maximize the flavor.
My second question would be Steve, and your club, because it is called Home Brew club or something like this.
In the evening, back home, put aside everything to brew a cup of green tea, climbed the balcony, feeling poetic Whispering flowers, listen to residential garden water murmur.
Home to family-run breweries, Manchester boasts of pubs where you can enjoy the local brew.
As PCs went mainstream, the magazine played down home-brew projects.
Since the superiority of our coffee beans is one of our core competencies, why don't we sell the beans for people to brew coffee at home?
Since the superiority of our coffee beans is one of our core competencies, why don't we sell the beans for people to brew coffee at home?