It's also the age range when many women are trying to balance careers and home.
The results range from the very small Numbers on very reasonable machines to very, big Numbers on fantastic setups that you are unlikely to see at home or at work.
For most of the next two decades, that land functioned as the fabled open range, home to cowboys and their grazing cattle from ranches in Texas.
Range anxiety is a popular buzzword surrounding electric cars these days. It refers to the fear of running out of juice while you're too far from your home or a charging station.
The biggest change in attitudes has come in the 25-to-34 age range, with a fall from 83% to 69% of respondents wanting to own their home.
A possible invasion by Israeli forces could range from limited ground incursions to a much larger land invasion of Gaza, home to 1.5 million Palestinians.
Ten years later Spencer patents a "radar range" that cooks with high-frequency radio waves; that same year, the Tappan Stove Co. introduces the first home microwave model.
The health scare has spread to a range of Chinese dairy products sold at home and abroad since emerging early this month.
They range from informal groups of friends or colleagues who meet in someone's home or at the local pub, to discuss a book.
The animals from Cuba can expect the diet to be better in their new home and the visitors to be slightly more free-range.
Jyotirmoy Dey, 56, was shot at point blank range by four gunmen on two motorbikes near his home on Saturday afternoon.
Go on to explore its home in lush coral reefs and you'll soon hit sensory overload, assaulted by colors and patterns that range from sublime to garish.
They were then herded to a central place where cowboys from each ranch cut out its beasts and drove them back to the home range.
The new development here is the plug-in hybrid, the battery of which can be re-charged at home as well as on the road, offering longer range driving on pure battery power.
It had been variously talked of as a potential home for a major media organisation or a digital hub that would house a range of hi-tech businesses.
Bell Labs was the home of an incredible range of interesting projects spanning every scale and using essentially every kind of computer and operating system.
Buffalo meat can help boost energy and lower weight. And you don't have to have a home on the range to get some bison anymore.
I can lie down with as much ease, and rest for the night within range of the enemy's guns, knowing that at dawn we may meet face to face, as I could at home upon my bed.
The educational gains for women are giving them greater access to a wider range of jobs, contributing to a shift of traditional gender roles at home and work.
For consumers, there are a great range of products, lower prices and home-delivery services.
With unemployment rising, citizens talk openly about defaulting on their home and car loans (those flashy Range Rovers are now known dryly as "Game overs").
The Andes mountain range and the Amazon jungle are home to more than half of the world's species of flora and fauna.
The number of mostly home-made rockets hitting Israel rose from 281 in 2004 to 1,750 in 2008; and their range rose from a few kilometres to reach Tel Aviv’s outskirts.
The study is in the Journal of Wildlife Management. [Jeff Horn et al, Home range, habitat use, and activity patterns of free-roaming domestic cats]
这一研究发表在了《野生动物管理》杂志上[JeffHornetal,Home range,habitatuse,andactivitypatterns of free-roamingdomestic cats]。
But if you're looking to make the ultimate style statement with your home AV kit, you'll go a long way before finding anything quite like Greensound Technologies' range of stunning glass speakers.
但是如果你希望在你的影音工具包力找到一些东西能完成这句话的终极陈述,那你需要寻找好久才能找到像Greensound Technologies这样的令人惊艳的玻璃音响。
Pearlfisher has created a new look and feel for the entire Heinz Infant Feeding portfolio, including the packaging format for the new 'Taste Of Home' range.
They need big grassy estuaries, subalpine habitat, and an enormous home range, which those islands don't offer.
So for the time being it remains horse against helicopter, and a home off the range for many.
You should never get a mortgage on a home that is outside of your price range.
You should never get a mortgage on a home that is outside of your price range.