Every year **ut 15 days before spring festival, the migrate works and white-collars are beginning crowded home-returning.
每年春节前15天左右,工人和白领们已经开始返乡。 。
In the small painting, ink wash landscape, secluded pavilions, woods, cloud waterfall, a recluse plays zither, watching home-returning birds that is life forms and soul images.
咫尺画幅、淋漓山水,幽亭秀木、云水卷舒,一位高士手挥五弦、 目送归鸿,一切一切正是生命的寄托、心灵的影象。
Some people live with their elderly parents; many more adult children are returning to the family home, if they ever left.
Exposed to higher standards of service elsewhere, Israelis are returning home expecting the same.
The young man also developed a habit of reciting poems he liked and writing them down after returning home.
Whenever possible, Chinese people will follow the tradition of returning home and reuniting with family members on New Year's Eve.
In tests, researchers found that homing pigeons were more efficient than flying robots at returning to their home.
With jobs in the cities vanishing, some are returning home to the countryside.
UK firefighters, who flew out soon after the disaster to help the search and rescue effort, are returning home this afternoon.
By 2007, almost four years after returning home, all the children in Yousuf's family were in school.
Mr. Zhao was surprised to find, when returning home shortly afterward, that official news organizations had made the two filmmakers into heroes in articles and newscasts.
One night, returning home, much 6 intoxicated, I fancied that the cat avoided my presence.
Imagine that you are unable to take off the day after your last day of work and, worse, you might have to return to the office immediately after returning home!
Upon returning home, Duff checked his notebooks from a few years earlier, and realized the formulas were the same as those he developed to use string theory to describe black holes.
Or an escape route? before returning home to fleece my husband of the marital assets, and hightail it back to Manly beach with Brad, the surf instructor.
Owning a pet may have more perks than simply returning home to a companion that's happy to see you.
I thought the challenge would be returning home from vacation and tidying and organizing and keeping the house in order, as usual.
Wearing purple golf shirts with the words “Lao Yun Pickled Vegetable Beef Noodles, ” they worked 12-hour days, returning home after dark to a meal of instant noodles.
Women: a woman can visit her girlfriend for two weeks, and upon returning home, she will call the same friend and they will talk for three hours.
My father had taken a job cleaning houses during the day and at some point he started returning home with hair dryers, mixing bowls, toaster ovens, picture frames.
Before returning home in 1998, he was pursuing an unsuccessful music career in the northern cities.
Following Manion's death, his family founded the Travis Manion Foundation, which helps soldiers who are returning home after deployments and veterans.
Using the web from your phone while abroad can mean returning home to gargantuan phone bills. But even that's beginning to change.
Many of the 189 American victims were achingly young, students returning home from study abroad.
But with evidence mounting of troops returning home with severe neurological impairment, that attitude has finally changed.
They have spent several six-month spells at sea, returning home for brief visits.
他们在海上游玩六个月,再回家短暂休整。 这样做已经有好几次了。
They have spent several six-month spells at sea, returning home for brief visits.
他们在海上游玩六个月,再回家短暂休整。 这样做已经有好几次了。