Boys who worked in the home or community gained competence and came to feel that they were worthwhile members of society.
The small community of North Haven on Long Island is home to some six hundred to seven hundred deer.
They also provided home and community services including meals, day centers and home helpers and other subsidized services.
They also provided home and community services, including meals, day centres and home helpers and other subsidized services.
Other studies show that non-readers tend to isolate themselves from the community and less likely to own a home and seldom belong to local voluntary organizations.
The experience on Main Street stimulated self-improvement, and encouraged members to take pride in their home grounds and the total community.
Some schools require students to provide community service by volunteering in a nursing home, child care center or government agency.
My grandmother took me to the community pool on the way home after the baseball practice.
Community workers across the country took strict action, asking people to stay at home and helping the old buy daily necessities.
Iwant you to take action – in your home or your community; at yourschool or your business – to improve our environment.
我希望你们采取行动 -在你们家里或所在社区,在你们的学校或你们的企业 -改善我们的环境。
That is no surprise to friends of the first family. The Obamas, after all, are city people, former community organizers who have long felt at home in the urban landscape.
Addressing these transnational risks requires advance preparation, extensive collaboration with the global community, and the development of a resilient population at home.
After all, in the past and in many places still, "home" doesn't mean just your house but also your village or community, where you're known and understood.
In a 2010 association survey, almost 10% of the 627 funeral home owners who responded said they owned or offered a community or family center in addition to traditional funeral facilities.
Add love to a house and you have a home. Add righteousness to a city and you have a community.
Older workers are more likely, moreover, to own their home and to have ties to their community.
As appropriate, care can be delivered in the home and community, as well as health clinics and hospitals.
Effective public health strategies, comprising of community - and home-based care are essential to provide pain relief and palliative care for patients and their families in low-resource Settings.
To determine whether home visits for neonatal care by community health workers can reduce infant and neonatal deaths and stillbirths in resource-limited settings.
I always keep my first shirt of every new season so I've got the first no.10 one I wore against Chelsea [in the Community Shield] up at home.
The least selective four-year colleges and community colleges are increasingly home to disproportionate concentrations of low-income students as well as African-American and Hispanic youth.
I would just say that this is a warning sign that Afghanistan still needs a lot of help from the international community so people can go home and stay home, "he said."
I've been married six years, have two children, a home, and have been recently honored by my college, the Jewish community, and the Chamber of Commerce.
Early recognition of, and prompt and appropriate response (treatment) to malarial illness in children under 5 years of age in the home or community achieved through.
Investigators seeking further information about Pardo's motives have begun searching his home in the suburban Los Angeles community of Montrose.
Last week a new design was unveiled for the Spread Firefox project, Mozilla’s community marketing home.
上周,SpreadFirefox一个全新的设计被展现在社区面前(Spread Firefox是Mozilla社区市场策略的官方网站)。
Last week a new design was unveiled for the Spread Firefox project, Mozilla’s community marketing home.
上周,SpreadFirefox一个全新的设计被展现在社区面前(Spread Firefox是Mozilla社区市场策略的官方网站)。