The home minister tried to assure investors in September that the insurgency would be quelled and that India was a safe place to park their money.
Earlier this month, Indian Home Minister P. Chidambaram issued one of his sternest warnings to date when he said India would respond to another major attack "with the force of a sledgehammer."
Questions have been asked about India's failure to preempt the attacks, and the time taken to eliminate the gunmen. India's home minister has resigned, saying he took "moral responsibility".
Addressing a public meeting in the aftermath of the tests, India's home minister, L. K. Advani, admitted that the nuclear tests had been the BJP's sole achievement in its first 100 days in power.
When all the soldiers worried about what to do next, suddenly, the prime minister Guan Zhong said, "Old horses are clever animals who may know the way back home."
Richard Benyon, the marine environment minister, said: "Our seas are home to some of the most diverse species and habitats in the world and they need just as much protection as our land.
The square, in London's Belgravia, which is home to former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, drops to third place behind Ingram Avenue in Hampstead, north London.
切斯特广场位于伦敦的贝尔格莱维亚区,是前任首相玛格丽特撒切尔的家。 现在排名已下降达第三,第二是伦敦北部汉普斯特德的英格拉姆大街。
Earlier this month its executive director, Ilkka Laitinen, went to Athens to finalise the plan with Greece's home-affairs minister, Michalis Chrisochoidis.
这个月早些时候该机构执行理事ilkkaLaitinen前往雅典与希腊的内政部长Michalis Chrisochoid is敲定了此方案。
But the Home Office minister James Brokenshire insisted the effectiveness of a police force did not depend on total Numbers, but on how well it used its resources.
Previously, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano traveled to India in May to launch the U.S.-India Homeland Security Dialogue (HSD) with Indian Minister of Home Affairs P. Chidambaram.
At home, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama faces some pressure to intervene.
日本首相鸠山由纪夫(Yukio Hatoyama)在国内面临着一些迫使其进行干预的压力。
Prime Minister Gordon Brown, his wife Sarah and their two sons live in the bigger flat at Number 11 Downing Street, traditionally the home of the Chancellor.
Mr Sarkozy, who was accompanied by his new wife, Carla, later held summit talks with Britain's prime minister, Gordon Brown, at the Emirates Stadium, home of Arsenal football club.
The defence minister even flew 20 vials out to Afghanistan to give Lithuanian soldiers a reminder of home.
But according to the secret files they were reinstated months later on the orders of new Prime Minister Alec Douglas-Home.
The prime minister had to cut short a trip to Africa to take charge at home.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown was among those welcoming home the country's Olympic stars.
Mindful of that-and his own weak position at home-gordon Brown, Britain's prime minister, drew up an epic agenda.
A coffee mug held by Prime Minister Tony Blair during a newspaper interview proved to be an appropriate prop to drive home his message about staying in power.
I bicycle home, so may be late, he warned Mr Reinfeldt. Great, replied the Swedish prime minister, I’ll grab a pint at a pub near your house.
卡梅伦在自己家中宴请赖因费尔特,同时又不忘提醒自己的这位瑞典同僚‘我骑自行车回家,所以可能会误了点儿’, 赖因费尔特马上答道‘好啊,那我就先在你们家旁边儿的酒吧喝点儿啤酒吧’。
Mr Cameron would be Britain's poshest prime minister since Alec Douglas-Home in the early 1960s.
Barack Obama, who remains widely popular at home and abroad, met Gordon Brown, the British prime minister, on Wednesday April 1st.
Anna's father served as a minister in West Virginia and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and her mother had provided strength and support as the family made their home there.
David Cameron, the prime minister, was confident of securing a deal in Brussels, but Eurosceptics back home were poised to criticise whatever emerged from the talks.
David Cameron, the prime minister, was confident of securing a deal in Brussels, but Eurosceptics back home were poised to criticise whatever emerged from the talks.