Opportunity to disrupt current home-shopping market that focuses on TV and skews older, by going online and concentrating on younger buyers.
You can choose to watch TV together, teachers and home outings, shopping, dinner, outing and other activities, the conversation can quickly improve your English communication skills.
Yes. You know, nowadays, many consumers do their shopping by the Internet, TV shopping channels or mail-order catalogues at home.
Some people will choose to stay at home and watch TV all the time, some will choose to go shopping, while for me, I'd like to go out.
On the basic of TV home shopping and impulsive buying, stimulating factors of impulsive buying was analyzed, and its influence was settled through verification setting.
The flow of TV and cable channels that will allow individuals to access a revolutionary variety of entertainment, news, communications, home-shopping, etc.
I prefer staying home and watching TV to going shopping.
They were going shopping, but ended up staying at home and watching TV.
Experts, institutions, researches connected with the TV Home Shopping industry are immoderately short.
During the past shopping festival on November 11, the sales of a floor cleaning robot surged to top 10 online home appliance sales, even surpassed Xiaomi mobile phone and Skyworth TV.
今年 年“双11”,一款扫地机器人进入网上家电销售前10名,销售额甚至超过了小米手机和创维电视。
During the past shopping festival on November 11, the sales of a floor cleaning robot surged to top 10 online home appliance sales, even surpassed Xiaomi mobile phone and Skyworth TV.
今年 年“双11”,一款扫地机器人进入网上家电销售前10名,销售额甚至超过了小米手机和创维电视。