Miles: I'm not on the honor roll, I can't throw a football… Nim is my extracurricular, okay?
Due to this, he was enrolled in a university and got on the honor roll delievered by the county education department.
Yet. We see today is rampant after 80 works occupy the honor roll, the best-selling firmly seized the reader's eyeball.
A child who's not invited to a birthday party, who doesn't make the honor roll or the baseball team, feels terrible, of course.
Dean's List is a form of honoring students who reached the level of excellence in their study. It's like being on the honor roll in high school.
In a fresh and glossy as Momo, such as green tea, under the Nongyin is a column field honor roll, photos, where the success of smiles radiate joy.
Florida Coastal school of law has been recognized by the National Jurist magazine as its honor roll of the best law schools for practical training.
Posting your daughter's honor roll status on Facebook seems innocent enough. You're proud. Your friends and family can bask in her glory. Everyone's a winner, right?
Brigham and Women's hospital, a world leader in patient care, medical education, and research, is consistently named to US News and world Report's Honor Roll of top hospitals.
She attended Whitney Young, Chicago's first magnet high school, where she was student council treasurer, a member of the National honor Society and a four-year honor roll student.
She attended Whitney Young, Chicago's first magnet high school, where she was student council treasurer, a member of the National Honor Society and a four-year honor roll student.
She attended Whitney Young, Chicago's first magnet high school, where she was student council treasurer, a member of the National Honor Society and a four-year honor roll student.