Wonder who will only have hope, if this hope remains, and perhaps one day a miracle will appear.
When they persist past 30 days and the anxiety remains strong, Schnurr said there is a problem. But she said there’s hope.
The current situation on the Korean Peninsula remains complex and sensitive. We hope all relevant parties do more to safeguard peace and stability of the Peninsula.
Through archaeological fieldwork, in particular the excavation of structural remains and the recovery of artefacts, we hope to fill in the blanks.
The researchers hope to mass-produce their prototypes, though how viable this is on a mass-scaled remains to be seen.
Emerging markets from Brazil to South Korea hope to protect exports by restraining their exchange rates, as the U.S. dollar declines and the yuan remains undervalued by many measures.
Emerging markets from Brazil to South Korea hope to protect exports by restraining their exchange rates, as the U. s. dollar declines and the yuan remains undervalued by many measures.
If you do not succeed, you are without resource; for, conciliation failing, force remains; but force failing, no further hope of reconciliation is left.
Still, the underlying cause of Max's autism remains a mystery -- a situation his parents hope to change.
Let's hope that he remains healthy, free and at large for a long time! Fly Colton, Fly!
Selling the economy strongly still remains Ms Gillard's best hope.
I hope that remains of vibrant aspect.
WTO accession remains on our agenda: we hope to conclude talks in 2010.
This is not yet the hiring pace one would hope to see after so deep a recession-there are still 13.7m unemployed workers and nonfarm employment remains nearly 7m jobs below the pre-recession peak.
How they ended up deep in a cave without other animal bones remains puzzling. But researchers hope other fossils still buried in the caves will provide some answers.
But as long as the law has not been passed, there remains the paralyzing uncertainty, in combination with the hope that the situation will actually change for the better.
Some analysts hope these meetings will help work towards a real code of conduct in the seas - but there remains a fundamental divergence in approach between China and Asean.
Solong as one inch of this deck remains above water, there is hope.
I hope the wind remains down now that it's calmer, so that we can risk putting up the sails.
As long as we have memories, yesterday remains. As long as we have hope, tomorrow waits. As long as we have love, today is beautiful.
Wenger said: "I hope Sol remains with us next year."
For the man who has committed evil, the verdict of his conscience remains a pledge of conversion and of hope.
I truly hope that Wayne Rooney remains a Manchester United player.
If the spirit remains until the end, we hope that Torino plays its game and offers us the possibility of reaching the fourth place.
As for any possible survivors trapped under the remains of houses, there is still a small but fading glimmer of hope that a miracle rescue could happen again.
As for any possible survivors trapped under the remains of houses, there is still a small but fading glimmer of hope that a miracle rescue could happen again.