But as you start to write down your hopes for the New Year, your think about last year.
He hopes the website will be profitable within a year, with revenues from firms looking for new employees.
New is the year, new are the hopes and the aspirations, new is the resolution, new are the spirits and forever my warm wishes are for you.
The New Year is the time of a new beginnings and new hopes for the future.
As president-elect for the 2007-2008 year, she hopes to add 12 new members to her club, which has 65 percent female membership.
担任 2007-2008年度的社长当选人,她希望她的扶轮社增加12 位新社员,而有 65% 的女性社员。
With warm Christmas Greeting and renewed hopes for Peace, Joy and Contentment in the new Year.
The New Year is coming, I am full of hopes for it, and I'll try my best to do better in 2015, come on!
The New Year is coming, I am full of hopes for it, and I'll try my best to do better in 2015, come on!