The Acoma and Hopi are probably the two oldest surviving Pueblo communities, both dating back at least a thousand years.
The ancestors of the modern Zuni and Hopi built and then, for reasons still mysterious, abandoned the complex roads and structures of the domain they ruled a millennium ago in the American southwest.
Once again, the Hopi present an interesting contrast.
Per the Zetas, the Hopi Indians also know it as the Blue Star Kachina.
And the Hopi tribe has said if he falls, his death is their spiritual burden.
Hopi prophecy also declares that the doors of the "Glass House" would be closed to them.
The Hopi, a native people of North America, used to have a very different idea about freedom.
Then Oraibi will be rejuvenated with its faith and ceremonies, marking the start of a new cycle of Hopi life.
The Hopi and others who were saved from the Great Flood made a sacred covenant with the Great Spirit never to turn away from him.
The name Hopi derives from "the Hopi" the oldest Pueblo people, who introduced their great medicinal knowledge and spirituality to Europe.
Lawyers for the Hopi tribe contended that the masks had been stolen, but the auctioneers argued that they were bought legitimately by a collector.
The translation argument is supported by the very fact that conceptual uniqueness of a language such as Hopi can nonetheless be explained in English.
A collection of 70 masks sacred to the Hopi tribe of Native Americans has been sold at auction in Paris after a French judge dismissed an attempt to halt the sale.
Each image is accompanied by a historical essay that further explores topics that have influenced the Hopi culture, shaped the Hopi society, and impacted David's life in the Hopi world.
The Dark Twin is in legend and prophecy, in more than one culture. The Dark Twin is the god Kali in the Hindu religion. Per the Zetas, the Hopi Indians also know it as the Blue Star Kachina.
"Whatever the recognition factor is, it is extremely variable, like a fingerprint," says Fisher, who reports her findings with Harvard evolutionary biologist Hopi Hoekstra online today in Nature.
Traditional Hopi Ear Candle ingredients include, pure beeswax, honey extracts, organic linen and contain herbs such as Chamomile, Sage and St. John's Wort, all well known for their healing properties.
Traditional Hopi Ear Candle ingredients include, pure beeswax, honey extracts, organic linen and contain herbs such as Chamomile, Sage and St. John's Wort, all well known for their healing properties.