When all the header information for calendar entries cannot be displayed completely for a day in a calendar view, the day displays a horizontal scroll bar.
New features of the calendar include federation and a horizontal scroll bar.
You can then use the horizontal scroll bar to view each field, as shown in Figure 27.
For example, it illustrates adding a horizontal scroll bar and the searching the list box for a specific item.
Scroll bar: When the information is not entirely displayed in the frame, vertical and horizontal scroll bars appear.
The width of the vertical scroll bar and the height of the horizontal scroll bar are constant for a particular video driver and display resolution.
It does have good Python awareness in indentation behavior, block indent/dedent, class/function browser (this hidden next to the horizontal scroll bar).
它对 Python 支持得比较好的是缩排、块缩进/取消缩进、类/函数浏览器(它隐藏于水平滚动条之后)。
When you add a list box with a horizontal scroll bar to a dialog box using MFC classes, the scroll bar will not automatically appear in your application.
当您使用MF c类别将一个具有水平卷轴的清单方块加入至对话方块时,卷轴不会自动出现在您的应用程序中。
When all the header information for calendar entries cannot be displayed completely for a day in a calendar view, the day displays a horizontal scroll bar .
A vertical or horizontal bar containing a scroll thumb and nudge buttons.
A vertical or horizontal bar containing a scroll thumb and nudge buttons.