Warren "Black Red" Small, the foundation's co-founder and proud cowpoke , says by learning how to take care of a horse, "the kids pick up some horse-sense.
The pioneer had horse sense, and card sense, and money sense, but not a particle of social sense.
In this case, creating Pegasus as a subclass of Horse makes sense because it expresses a relationship between the two classes.
Horse SENSE Of course, people who have horses will say that dogs and cats are cheap in comparison.
Cameron and his wife wined and dined, and 'hacked', in the horse-riding sense, with Rebekah Wade and James Murdoch.
In the grammatical sense, this word is the means or principal of predication whereby we say one thing is another thing: the mare is the female of the horse, for example.
Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.
But at length some sense came back to their crazed minds, and the whole of them, thirteen in number, took horse and started in pursuit.
So once in a while his horse would stop dead in its tracks, because you know animals can sense things people can't.
'asked Keno Carter,' Don't you like her. She is as fast and brave as a wild horse. And she has a sense of fun.
Flaming enthusiasm backed up by horse sense and persistence is the quality that most frequently makes for success.
Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.
Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.