Remove one host machine from the Web server tier.
Sometimes it's just software. Sometimes it's built into the firmware of the host machine.
The host machine adopts highly wearable cast with rational design and good stability.
The route from the host machine to the extension sets should be as short as possible.
Remote SVN support - for SVN repositories either on the host machine or out on the internet.
I have a host machine with VS and NSight plug-in and a target machine with NSight service.
When it times out after the deadline, the work will simply be sent to another host machine.
The host machine distributes the user load evenly between each of the five Rational test agents.
It also allows your virtual machine to reliably synchronize its internal clock to the host machine.
Iremoving click the "remove" button of the host machine, hear "click" sound and then pull it out.
You can set breakpoints in the GPU code in the VS side (your host machine), and it should break there.
Programs like this reduce the cost of emulation by generally performing at speeds comparable to the host machine.
Installtion: Push the host machine forward to the designed track hear "ka", the host machine is install in place.
Then add HostTextBox.Text parameter which is the reference to the host machine name which comes from the first text box.
然后,添加hosttextbox . Text参数,作为来自第一个文本框的主机名称引用。
Provided that a host machine returns at least some successful results, it's Daily result Quota should remain near 8.
The server name refers to the name of the cube being served by an IBM Cognos TM1 server on the administration host machine.
ServerName是指由管理主机上的一台IBMCognosTM 1服务器服务的多维数据集的名称。
If a malicious user gets hold of this key information, then the security of that host machine can be compromised very easily.
In a client-gateway-host environment, these authentication options are set on the client and gateway, not on the host machine.
On the host machine, the server process listens at the port for requests and, when they come in, sends those messages to the object.
If you determine you are indeed having a network bottleneck, fixing the problem might actually lay outside of your immediate host machine.
Before starting the Lotus Quickr installation, you need to complete a few tasks to ensure that the host machine is ready for installation.
In this case, runtime analysis results are evaluated in the target memory endlessly, until you decide to dump them back to the host machine.
VMware recommends that you disable the screen saver of your host machine before starting the installation of the Linux guest operating system.
With DB2 9, customers can install the DB2 software several times on the host machine and assign a SAP DB2 instance to different DB2 installations.
对于DB 29,客户可以在主机上多次安装DB 2软件,并给一个SAP DB 2实例分配不同的DB 2安装。
Perhaps the most important concept to understand is that on the host machine each layer communicates with its corresponding layer on the remote machine.
The machine records the response times and results, and then sends the data to the host machine. Each of the agent machines has the following specifications
The shock response finite element model is established to simulate studying object which is a double-layer vibration isolation system of host machine in ship.
Then, below the existing call to MyBase.New , add the code in Listing 5 which will allow the web service to be initialized on the host machine entered by the user.
然后,在现有的My Base .New调用下,添加如清单5中的代码,该代码允许在用户输入的主机上初始化这个Web服务。
Secure communication sessions between a client and server start by pulling in the requestor's (user's and machine's) PAC identifier from the initiating host machine.
Secure communication sessions between a client and server start by pulling in the requestor's (user's and machine's) PAC identifier from the initiating host machine.