The pan was too hot and the bread turned black within seconds.
Hot borscht is generally more like stew than soup and is often served with dark bread.
"Then she dragged poor little Grethel up to the oven door, under which the flames were burning fiercely, and said:" Creep in there, and see if it is hot enough yet to bake the bread.
On the adjacent fire, another meal known as "bread cups" has been baking, shaped around hot stones.
On Marks &Spencer bread pudding: Product will be hot after heating.
She baked her own bread, and put a hot meal on the table every night. She made us oatmeal in the mornings, none of this toasted-twinkies instant-breakfast stuff.
Then she dragged poor little Grethel up to the oven door, under which the flames were burning fiercely, and said: "Creep in there, and see if it is hot enough yet to bake the bread."
As soon as this was done, the old woman said, "We will bake some bread first; I have made the oven hot, and the dough is already kneaded."
To help prevent mold, the bread container should be cleaned with hot water at least once a week and carefully dried.
Come now, I exclaimed, pushing some bread against his hand, 'eat and drink that, while it is hot: it has been waiting near an hour.
After four hot-cakes, eight strips of bacon, and all but two small glassfuls of the pitcher of milk, I complained of hunger, so she made me three eggs and a half loaf of toast from home-baked bread.
Please watch out, this dish is very spicy. We use special hot peppers in Ethiopian cooking. Now, Rebecca, please take a piece of bread and eat what you like.
He looked around, and there by his head was a cake of bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again.
The fully loaded banh mi comprises French bread stuffed with pate, pork, chicken, pickled carrot, daikon, cucumber and cilantro, topped with a Fried egg, hot sauce and mayonnaise.
A heaving pot of bubbling cheese with bite-sized bread and vegetables to dip into it, that's what hot pot in Switzerland is about.
To serve, add the remaining dill and parsley and black pepper. Eat this with pasta or bread either hot or at room temperature.
There were potatoes, fresh corn, apple pies, hot bread, sweet pickles, bread and butter and honey.
When I was young in the mountains, Grandmother spread the table with hot corn bread, pinto beans and Fried okra.
It was noontime now because the church bells rang the Angelus5. They ate the beans with hot bread, and nobody said anything until after Teresa poured the coffee.
If hot garlic bread sounds good, you can have this too, but not as often and with less enthusiasm.
May 16 at noon, Singapore, a bakery, a panda-shaped like the "Ping-chuan Bear" is Hot bread, bread sale proceeds will be donated to all of China's Disaster Relief.
He returned home from school, he went to the kitchen, he opened the refrigerator door, he saw the bread, milk, hot dogs and soy milk.
A slice of golden roasted bread, with fried egg and pork, a bottle of hot milk, I know, you will love it.
Pizza Food of Neapolitan origin. It consists of a flattened disk of bread dough, typically topped with olive oil, tomatoes, and mozzarella cheese, baked quickly, and served hot.
Pizza Food of Neapolitan origin. It consists of a flattened disk of bread dough, typically topped with olive oil, tomatoes, and mozzarella cheese, baked quickly, and served hot.