The invention relates to a method in the technical filed of mechanical casting, in particular to a novel method for anchoring a hot-cast anchor.
The method introduces the wire dividing plate in the hot-cast anchor to improve the casting performance of the hot-cast anchor and the anchoring performance of an inhaul cable of the hot-cast anchor.
本发明在热铸锚中引入分丝板的方法,以改善热铸锚的浇铸性能,提高热铸锚拉索的锚 固性能。
The method introduces the wire dividing plate in the hot-cast anchor to improve the casting performance of the hot-cast anchor and the anchoring performance of an inhaul cable of the hot-cast anchor.
本发明在热铸锚中引入分丝板的方法,以改善热铸锚的浇铸性能,提高热铸锚拉索的锚 固性能。