The shower is easy to install – it needs only to be connected up to the hot and cold water supply.
The installation of unions in both the hot and cold water supply lines is recommended for ease of removing the water heater for service or replacement.
Properly sized water hammer arresters should be installed on the hot and cold water supply piping to that fixture, equipment or apparatus wherein shock can be produced.
Turn the water off at the shutoff valves and remove the hot and cold supply lines running from the shutoff valves to the faucet.
Note: the inlet hot supply is to be connected to the "h" side of the valve, the cold supply side to the "c" side and the mixed water outlet to the "m" side.
This should be placed on the supply to the entire house in order to maintain equal hot and cold water pressures.
Same as European, the Indian like cold water, usually, the resurant and the hotel do not supply hot boiled water.
Connect the cold water supply line and hot water outlet lines using elbows, nipples and unions as shown in the diagrams.
Connect the cold water supply line and hot water outlet lines using elbows, nipples and unions as shown in the diagrams.