Singapore lies in an island in the equatorial region with a hot and humid climate.
They needed something nourishing to maintain their good health while toiling in the hot and humid climate.
This paper reports a thermal comfort study of an under-floor air-conditioning (UFAC) system in hot and humid climate.
Comprised of four pixelated undulating structures, the architecture of the site is designed in response to the city's hot and humid climate.
This is the most challenge part for the designer, who has to configure the modern language of architecture in a way that would suit the hot and humid climate of Thailand.
Malaysia has a really hot and humid climate which really tests the car's durability and coupled with the frequent torrential downpours can make for an unpredictable race weekend.
Oman "s climate in the interior is hot and dry, but humid along the coast."
The Australian climate is hot and humid in the north and slightly cool in the south.
Based on the building humid climate feature for the hot summer and cold winter region, monthly mean relative humidity is used as the basic quota.
Special climate and geographical environments, such as high altitude, cold, hot and humid regions, desert sea, and island, exert great effects on war injuries.
Hot and humid summer climate, people go to the hot days when each sweating, watch a sweat encounter may leave green or black marks on the wrist.
It has a humid subtropical monsoon climate, characterized by warm winter, hot summer, little frost and snow, heavy fog and less-than normal sunshine.
"My hometown, a small fishing village, is on a low plain, with quite a humid climate, so the extreme dry and hot natural environment was definitely a great challenge," says Chen.
"My hometown, a small fishing village, is on a low plain, with quite a humid climate, so the extreme dry and hot natural environment was definitely a great challenge," says Chen.