Normally, several different drinks such as tea, hot chocolate or a soft drink like orange juice will be served as well as coffee, and you will be asked what you would like.
"Hot chocolate outlets are booming," wrote Roger Boyes in the UK Times last Thursday.
Clever cupcakes designed to look like cups filled with hot chocolate.
Driving to a run? Bring a thermos of green tea or hot chocolate in your car.
Just looking at these images makes me shiver and crave a cup of hot chocolate.
Why can't we go to one that sells hot chocolate and books that are actually new?
When Pippi has had her hot chocolate, she puts her cup upside down on her head like a hat.
Top it off with a hot chocolate and you’ve got yourself some traditional Dominican Republic fare.
You can also sit in the shop's tearoom to indulge in Genin's deliciously thick hot chocolate.
The first floor embraces a chocolate house and a cafe where one can taste coffee and hot chocolate.
If they have been extra specially good, buy them a hot chocolate, or give them a ride on your shoulders.
The last of the packaged hot chocolate gone and only the longing need for home and a pot pie to warm her.
Her skin was the color of rich, hot chocolate and her brown eyes twinkled with intelligence and humor.
Ever since I was little, my favorite season was winter. I loved to play in the snow and enjoy the hot chocolate.
Not only did they do the sums more accurately after drinking the hot chocolate, they also did them more quickly.
During Harry's first trip on the Knight bus, the bus moved to Aberdeen abruptly, spilling his hot chocolate.
Go and get hot chocolate with your date; then go look at Christmas lights or displays available in your area.
Soon enough the snow will be piling up and we'll be huddled up inside sipping hot chocolate and longing for summer.
Hot chocolate doesn't have to be the calorie bomb and nutritional nightmare as it's sometimes made out to be, Beauvais said.
But there are many kinds of hot chocolate and what defines its quality is of course the quality of the chocolate itself.
The girl I wanted feels like I had just sipped hot chocolate and relaxed all over. Nut brown with black glittering eyes.
Matcha is being used in ice cream, cheese-cakes, cream cheese spreads, white chocolate, latte beverages, hot chocolate etc.
Play together in the snow or in the rain, then go inside for a cup of hot chocolate made with real chocolate and marshmallows.
Jake Hardin: Look, I don't do this for just anybody, but I'll even throw in some hot chocolate with those little tiny marshmallows.
Jake Hardin: Look, I don't do this for just anybody, but I'll even throw in some hot chocolate with those little tiny marshmallows.