I'm not usually a hot-headed person but I really got very angry.
Early one clear, still morning this past May, I slipped out of the funky old hot-springs town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, and headed southeast into the high desert.
In fact, hot-headed stock investors make better decisions, a study in the Academy of Management Journal showed.
The initial taste isn't that hot but now, a couple of minutes later, I feel a bit floaty and light-headed.
I know that sometimes anyone can get a little hot-headed and say something like "I always knew that you are a loser!"
The Israeli army under its hot-headed chief of staff, Yitzhak Rabin, also deliberately provoked the Syrians in an escalating series of clashes, and at one point Israel threatened to invade.
就在这一年,脾气火爆的伊扎克•拉宾(Yitzhak Rabin)出任以军总参谋长。 他蓄意升级一系列冲突以激怒叙利亚人,并且一度威胁要入侵叙利亚。
Why do you get so hot-headed when your assistant makes a mistake? He is doing his best you know.
She headed a cold off by taking tablets and hot lemon drinks.
Loretta: : Before, like, I was really hot-headed and I just got angry really quick, but now, like, control of my anger more and I'm, like, apparently I'm a nice person.
Tyrone became very hot-headed if someone joked about his ethnicity.
I can give many examples of temperamental geldings and level-headed mares to counteract the fallacy of the hot-headed chestnut mare syndrome.
When my friend Robby headed for a hot dog stand, I decided to keep her company.
There have been plenty of hot-headed PRC exchange students posts on YA! To reflect what they got taught.
But I trust you even more, you hot-headed young man, she said softly, I want to have your opinion before I decide.
It is necessary to cool people's heads at the right moment so that they won't become hot-headed.
That's why I'm unable to say that they were wrong, but I would like to tell them from now on to not be so hot-headed.
Mother Ogasawara Islands south island of origin, the cloud land, a hot-headed people around will not see is a very frank warm personality.
I fear that Vincent is too hot-headed to be made responsible for dealing with customers' complaints.
"These aren't necessarily hot-headed people, but people who are more likely to read into people's behavior as some hostile motive," Boyle said during a telephone interview.
"These aren't necessarily hot-headed people, but people who are more likely to read into people's behavior as some hostile motive," Boyle said during a telephone interview.