Every day, I give her hot pack, point eyedrops always see the effect, you can see pus point but it does not see the pus.
Objective To observe the effect of pelvic traction combined with Chinese medicinal herbs hot pack-electrotherapy on prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc (PLID).
Other options include using a hot pack an electric heat pad set on its lowest setting or a radiant heat lamp with a 250 watt reflector heat bulb to warm specific muscles and joints.
其他选项包括使用热敷电热垫定于它的最低设置或辐射热灯与25 0瓦的热反射灯泡以热烈的具体肌肉和关节。
Effect steeping hot spring hydrotherapeutics and hot pack, contract especially with regard to if bone joint disease people, degenerating nature arthritis, have cutting down pain effect.
I can take a heat pack, like the kind you buy at a pharmacy. Break it up. It gets hot.
In a second experiment, people who briefly handled a therapeutic hot pad instead of an ice pack were more likely to later select a gift for a friend rather than themselves.
The Cancer Project’s Latest Billboard shows a pack of hot dogs coming out of a pack of cigarettes.
I have a hot idea- why don’t we pack a lunch and go to the beach today? Won’t that be fun!
We also think they could pass for a pack of hot dogs. Really, really heavy hot dogs.
Go sledding. If you're too klutzy to manage ice skating (like me!) sledding can be equally fun and romantic. Just be sure to pack that thermos of hot chocolate!
Go ice skating. It's winter and cold in most of the country right now, and a picnic may not be an option at the moment. Instead, pack a thermos of hot chocolate and hit the rink.
For other coffee lovers, being able to quickly insert a pre-packaged, single portion pack into their coffeemaker and enjoy a piping hot cup in a few minutes is a match made in heaven.
Supermassive black holes that pack the heft of billions of SUNS have the capacity to regulate their energy during a tug-of-war with a hot radiation wind that blows in from their debris disks.
As autumn approaches, the beekeepers pack up their hives and go south, scrambling for pollination contracts in hot spots like California's fertile Central Valley.
There's the delicious-sounding 'Continental Breakfast Pack', which comes with one Espresso aroma capsule and one Hot Croissant capsule.
People pay more and more attention to develop the simulated wood plastic products which utilize the non - timber fiber to pack hot plasticity resin.
Hot water freezes faster than cold water. Ice can appear in nature as snowflakes, icicles, hail, frost, glaciers, pack ice, ice spikes and candles and polar ice caps.
Hot water freezes faster than cold water. Ice can appear in nature as snowflakes, icicles, hail, frost, glaciers, pack ice, ice spikes and candles and polar ice caps.